Spring Sports Information
Sport Start Dates Coach Information
Boys Track & Field - March 10 - Coach Dussault dussmic@pewaukeeschools.org
Girls Track & Field - March 10 - Coach Dussault dussmic@pewaukeeschools.org
Girls Soccer - March 24 - Coach Sullivan ssullivan@ruekert-mielke.com
Baseball - March 24 - Coach Dobberstein mjdobb00@gmail.com
Softball - March 17 - Coach Thompson & Coach Ebbole thomsyd@pewaukeeschools.org
Boys Tennis - March 31 - Coach Vitalbo dvitalbo@gmail.com
Boys Golf - March 31 - Coach Scannell scannei@pewaukeeschools.org
Boys Lacrosse - March 17 - Coach Kirkpatrick (Oconomowoc) kirkpatricka@oasd.org
Girls Lacrosse - March 17 - Coach Trutschell (Oconomowoc) truttschelt@oasd.org
Athletic Registration
Every athlete needs to be registered with the Athletic Department office before participating in athletics. All registration is done online at https://pewaukee-ar.rschooltoday.com/. You can also find this link by going to our Athletics/Activities website > Activity Registration. Every athlete, along with their parent/gaurdian, will need to complete the registration process which includes reading and electronically signing documents as well as uploading a physical, if needed. Within two weeks of starting the season, a $50 fee will be assessed to your Skyward account. If your student plans on playing multiple sports please select them all on the one registration.
3 requirements for participation - athletes can not participate in practice until ALL three are completed.
- Current Physical (physicals are good for 2 school years)
- Online Registration
- $50 Athletic Fee
If you have questions regarding registration, please contact Nikki Sandvik at sandnic@pewaukeeschools.org
Physical - Preparticipation Physical Examination
Athletes are required to have sports physicals on file with the Athletic Department prior to the first practice. Failure to do this results in ineligibility to participate in try-outs, practices or games.
Sports physicals are required by the WIAA every two school years. Physicals taken after April 1 are valid for the following two school years; physicals taken before April 1 are valid only for the remainder of that school year and the following school year.
Physicals need to be uploaded into the online registration site in the athlete’s account.
Physical Form (page 4 is the main page that is needed). Please make sure the form has all the needed signatures and dates.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. We hope you have a great summer!
Jeff Behrens, CMAA
Pewaukee Athletic/Activities Director
(262) 695-5074
Pewaukee Athletics Mission Statement:
"Building Better People Through the Athletic Experience"
Pewaukee Athletics Vision Statement:
"The Pewaukee Athletic Department strives to be a leader by shaping values and developing characteristics that
promote lifelong excellence through athletic participation and competition. We will develop skills in our student
athletes to compete, commit, contribute, connect and care."
Pewaukee Purpose Statement:
"Our goal is to plan, prepare, and play the game in pursuit of the win. However, our purpose is to build better
people through the athletic experience. We will do this by teaching our students the skills and characteristics
necessary to compete, commit, contribute, connect and care. We are a true extension of the classroom where sport
is the curriculum and skills like perseverance, accountability, leadership, respect, etc. are the life lessons.
We will pursue our goals with tenacity while living out our purpose"